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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Delta Community Foundation?

The Delta Community Foundation is our community’s Foundation. A place where donations, endowments and/or gifts are invested to assist charities in Delta for years to come.

How did the Foundation get started?

The ‘Delta Foundation’, as it was originally called, was founded by the Rotary Club of Ladner in 1986, under the Societies Act of British Columbia. In 1987 it was registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and assigned a charity number (#118884139 RR 0001). The Foundation was created for the purpose of holding endowments that would benefit Deltans into the future.

Why is it important to Give where you Live?

Local charities and programs need support. They often do not meet the funding criteria that larger charities with more resources do. The Delta Community Foundation gives donors the opportunity to support local charities and witness the immediate impact their dollars can make. In relation to endowments, a donor can be assured the capital of their endowment remains untouched, and the income from their fund is used to support ongoing programs and services of charities in Delta into the future. Endowment gifts can be designated to a charity, a sector or to our community support fund.

What is an endowment fund?

Endowment funds are often referred to as the future lifeblood of any charity, providing for the long-term financial success of the organization. Typically, an endowment fund is a receptacle for gifts given in perpetuity. The capital of the endowment remains untouched, and only the income from the fund is used for ongoing programs and services. They can be designated to a charity, a sector or to our community support fund.

What is planned giving?

A planned or legacy gift is a donation that is designated for a future date, often at the time of death through a Will. This gift is made through a formal financial or estate plan. It is the process in which a donor creates a financial or estate plan where they formally decided to give something of value to the charity at a future date.

How big is our endowment?

We have just over 3 million in assets that are invested.

Where is the money invested?

The endowment funds are invested at Raymond James.

How is the money invested?

Our asset allocation model is 44% fixed investments, 56% equities (blue chip).

What is our investment mandate?

Safety of Capital


Long Term Growth

What type of funding the Delta Community Foundation give out last year and how much was given out? 

Endowments – $36,000

Community Support Fund (grants) – $44,000

Neighbourhood Small Grants – $15,000

Kindness Meters – $1800

Who did the Foundation grant money to last year? 

BC Agriculture in the Classroom (Spuds in Tubs Program)
BC and Alberta Guide Dog Services
BC Cancer
Boys and Girls Club Community Services (Ladner)
Canadian Cancer
Delta Fire Department (education and training)
Delta Gymnastics Society (Seniors can Move Program)
Delta Hospital Foundation
Delta Life Skills
Delta Police (education and training)
Delta Police Pipe Band Society
Delta School District Scholarships
Delta Stroke Recovery
Food on the Corner
Heron Hospice Society of Delta
Neighbourhood Small Grants
North Delta Starfish Program – ND Rotary
Power For All Adventures Therapy Program
Reach Child and Youth Development Society
Richmond Hospital Foundation
Sher LGBTQ Friends Society
South Delta Food Bank
South Delta Starfish Program – South Delta (SDBC)
Step Forward Health Society
Surrey Alliance Church (North of 60 – Seniors Program)
Take a Hike Foundation (Delview)
Tutoring Program (SDBC)
Vancouver General Hospital
WINGS Fellowship Ministry (Women’s Shelter)
140 Sports – Mental Health Counselling

How do you choose the organizations who receive grants?

The grant commitee reviews each grant application according to the policy guidelines set out in the Delta Community Foundation Governance Manual.

When do you give grants out?

Grant applications can be made throughout the year. Grants are reviewed as they are received and funds are dispersed according to financial capacity.

When is your fiscal year end?

Fiscal year is July 1 – June 30.

How many donations have been received in the last year?

Approximately 100.

What are administration fees?


What types of donors give to the Delta Community Foundation? 

The Delta Community Foundation relies on the support of all types of donors. From individuals and families who would like to leave a legacy gift, such as a named family endowment, to one-time donors who choose to support the immediate needs of charities in our community through the Delta Community Foundation Community Support Fund.

Why do donors give to the Delta Community Foundation?

There are many reasons donors choose the Delta Community Foundation. Some of these choices involve the Foundation offering the ability to give back to the community of Delta, knowing their money stays in Delta.  Some donors feel it is important to be able to designate their gift to a specific charity they can support forever (gift in perpetuity). Others feel that the Foundation’s extremely low administration costs allow more of their dollars to go to directly to the charities that matter the most to them. Often the motivation to give to the Delta Community Foundation is to receive an immediate tax receipt.

If you have any questions for the Delta Community Foundation, please contact us at [email protected].