2024 Neighbourhood Small Grants Celebrations

Sunshine Woods Block Watch BBQ
Project Leader: Heinz Kreutz
Free community bbq, safety event and neighbourhood social where neighbours can get together, enjoy some free quality food, learn how to better protect themselves and their property and most of all have fun doing so.
This year included more of a FireSmart component. As a volunteer LFR with FireSmart BC I am focussing on educating the community on FireSmart BC as well as FireSmart practices, which focus on making neighbourhoods fire resilient. http://sunshinewoods.ca/firesmart

Canada Day Neighbour Hello
Project Leader: Brenda Tyc
A few weeks before, I prepared flyers and dropped them off to all the neighbours —inviting them over to meet their neighbours and friends and watch the parade of classic and vintage cars that drive up the street on Canada Day.
The early morning of Canada Day, I set out the decorations and had cake and coffee ready. It was a gorgeous sunny day!
Neighbours started arriving around 9am, we all chatted and then at approximately 10 am, we watched the 200 car parade and waved and cheered them on with our mini Canadian flags!
Luckily, everything went well! I’d do it exactly the same again!
We had a great turn out, everyone loved the idea and was very appreciative of this opportunity.

Beach Grove Family Movie Nights
Project Leader: Elizabeth Cullimore
The project went really well! We had great turnout and definitely had enough support. Would definitely do more than one movie night next time. It was great! My friend/neighbour took photos of the event

Neighbourhood Caring
Project Leader: Raj and Blair
A huge thank you to the Delta Foundation & Neighborhood Small Grant’s Program, for supporting our second cudlesac party.
We hosted another block party to build more community and allow families to gather and get to know each other better.
Fabulous turn out over 60 plus neighbor’s joined us on BC family day long weekend. We had some extra food and we reach out to Delta police. A few members were able to attend.
Last year was the first time we ever participated and it was a great success. We have been nominated as the event planners in the neighborhood.

Warriors Neighbourhood Street Hockey Party
Project Leader: Ryan Good
Last summer our kids fundraiser in our neighborhood with a lemonade stand, car wash and art stand to raise money to buy and design their own warriors hockey jerseys. We’ve funded a party as parents but hoped we could get it to reward kids and grow into an expanded bbq and party to include local friends and families. What a great way to keep kids active and off screens!

Whitworth Crescent Block Party
Project Leader: Kelly James
We had approximately 70 neighbours come out to our street party, ranging in ages from 2-94 years old!! It was so great for everyone to meet and reconnect. It was such a good time. We barbecued burgers with some of our grant money and many people contributed sides and desserts. We had lawn/street games set up and people brought their outdoor furniture and fire pits as the night went on. Although the party officially ended at 8, some neighbours stayed out socializing well into the night! We look forward to this new tradition as an end of summer celebration and a kick off to a new (school) year.
Quote from a Neighbour: Our street party was amazing. It really brought everyone together.
We’ve only lived her for a year so it was an opportunity meet all of our neighbors. This is a really great program you run ! – MJ