Over 700 low income, unemployed and homeless people in North Delta have access to food thanks to pandemic emergency funding

For individuals and families experiencing job loss, homelessness and other financial struggles in North Delta, it has been an especially difficult time during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. Access to food is most important for these members of the community. To relieve the stress of limited access to, and affordability of, food, and the additional stress that can lead to a rise in domestic violence, Deltassist Family and Community Services Society is substituting for the normally functioning food bank in North Delta which was forced to close during the pandemic.
“Deltassist Temporary North Delta Food Bank” is now serving 708 people in North Delta in need during the pandemic by purchasing every two weeks grocery gift cards so families can purchase perishable food and receive prepackaged food bags from the Surrey Food Bank.
Delta Foundation has provided $70,000 in emergency funding to the food bank.
The funding comes from the Emergency Community Support Fund, during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn, administered across the country by Community Foundations of Canada on behalf of the Government of Canada, along with two other networks, United Way Centraide and Red Cross.
Deltassist, founded in 1972, is an accredited multi-social service non-profit organization dedicated to the well being of Delta residents. It offers counselling and community-building in the form of individual and group counselling, (Substance Use, Domestic Violence, Seniors, Family, Child and Youth Suicide Prevention, Pregnant and Parenting Youth) workshops, events, senior support (phoning, Better At Home, volunteer Driving), outreach programs, information services and community services (income tax, Toy Depot & Christmas Hampers and pro bono law clinics. It operates in North Delta and Ladner for all of Delta.