Single moms get a hand up on Mother’s Day with help from Neighbourhood Small Grants

Grant, Neighbourhood Small Grant
Single mothers were the focus of a Mother’s Day 2020 campaign by Mamas for Mamas to provide food to families when finances were tight and for those who did not want to leave their homes with children with auto immune disorders. A Neighbourhood Small Grant from the Delta Foundation, with funding from the Vancouver Foundation, helped stretch this support even further.
Mamas for Mamas organized volunteers who were available to watch little ones in their moms’ cars so moms could shop. Moms in other single parent families took advantage of volunteers who helped them by shopping for them. Local businesses donated products to support the cause. Salvation Army helped provide additional food hampers over an extended period of time.
Delta families donated boxes of farm fresh food to moms. One Delta family regularly supports a single mom with financial support every month.
Anna Carr, of Mamas for Mamas, says, “We saw moms being helped in this campaign, but it was really amazing to see the helpers come forward, we got to act as the vehicle to neighbours helping neighbours in a hard time. This truly was a community campaign. We want to continue to help support direct donation and are always able to find a family who is in need of a helping hand up.”
Many local businesses supported the Mother’s Day campaign which provided moms, at a social distance, with gift pick up.
This business support, “gave us the opportunity to help moms in ways we could not have on our own. Better together is our Motto and we truly believe this and have seen it in action.
“When we talk to some of our Mama’s who have been supported by the community, they are overwhelmed with gratitude, to know that people in your community care about your well being and care about your kids well being is life giving. Thank you to the Delta Foundation for continuing to support us in making this happen.”