Neighbourhood Small Grant

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Rock the Block party in Tsawwassen neighbourhood

In the Stahaken Place townhome community in Tsawwassen 32 people from 12 families got together for the first time at a block party on August 7, 2021, thanks to a Neighbourhood Small Grant. Lulu Xie and Loretta Prim, who organized the event, said people were mingling and chatting. One neighbor found out their daughter was a colleague of another neighbor’s father. Another found out that a neighbor was the framer for another neighbor’s house, another who worked in the same industry, and some kids were in the same school. — story and photos by Lulu Xie

Kindness Kits and Zoom Meet Up

Twelve Kindness Kits went to any Delta residents who signed up, and eight participated in a meetup on Zoom, in Kindness Kits and Zoom Meet Up, with support from the Neighbourhood Small Grants program.

New season for Neighbourhood Small Grants

Now more than ever, in BC, we need to stay connected with our neighbours and community members.We want to support small-scale individual-led community projects that comply with the new social/physical distancing guidelines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Responsive Neighbourhood Small offer grants of up to $500 to individuals or family members from the same household or for those who are interested to collaborate with neighborhoods across British Columbia to build community strength and resilience, foster community creativity and wellbeing, and tackle social isolation.

Small grants can boost Delta neighbourhoods

Delta residents who want to connect and engage with others in their neighbourhoods, just to get to know them, or to make their community a better place to live, can do something about it with a Neighbourhood Small Grant from the Delta Foundation.

Based on a simple but powerful idea – that everyone is a valuable member of the community and that we all have something to share — Neighbourhood Small Grants of $50 to $500 can enable local residents to strengthen their community by bringing people together, sharing their skills and knowledge, celebrating diversity, and increasing their sense of belonging.

Back to school packs for those in need

A Neighbourhood Small Grant recipient reported: Each year, my sister and I put together backpacks filled with school supplies and donate them to our former elementary school, Hellings Elementary, in North Delta, in hopes that it can be passed on to a student in need. With the ongoing pandemic, we recognize that many families in Delta may be experiencing financial hardships during this difficult time, therefore we decided to make our Back(pack) to School initiative bigger this year and include other elementary schools in our catchment.

Last call for Neighbourhood Small Grants

There’s still time to apply for a small grant to host a neighbourhood block party, help complete a project with friends and supporters and make something happen for the good of your local community. Apply now for a Neighbourhood Small Grant. Applications are being received until August 31, 2020, for projects to be completed this Fall. The best people to effect change in a community are the ones within it. Neighbourhood Small Grants are ways Delta Foundation can build community and strengthen connections right where people live. With funding support of the Vancouver Foundation, when money becomes less of an issue in doing so, many more kinds of ideas can shine. Go to Neighbourhood Small Grants, Delta at Click on Apply Now.

Love of books among children project funded by a Neighbourhood Small Grant

Having worked with young children for over 25 years and seen how important early literacy is, Delta resident Denise Sheridan brought books to young children in her neighbourhood with her project, Neighbourhood Love for Literacy. A Neighbourhood Small Grant from the Delta Foundation made the project possible.

Near by Far Canada Day Block Party with Neighbourhood Small Grant

Since most plans were cancelled on Canada Day, one family in Ladner thought it would be nice to connect with their neighbours and have a 7 pm parade around our block, with support from the Delta Foundation with a Neighbourhood Small Grant from funds through Vancouver Foundation.

One of the organizers says, Last year our street held our 1st block party and it was a success, so with most people home we sent out invitations for our neighbours to join us on the street (at the end of our driveways) for dinner, followed by the parade and doorstep photos.

Single moms get a hand up on Mother’s Day with help from Neighbourhood Small Grants

Single mothers were the focus of a Mother’s Day 2020 campaign by Mamas for Mamas to provide food to families when finances were tight and for those who did not want to leave their homes with children with auto immune disorders. A Neighbourhood Small Grant from the Delta Foundation, with funding from the Vancouver Foundation, helped stretch this support even further.