Small grants can boost Delta neighbourhoods

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Grant, Neighbourhood Small Grant

Delta residents who want to connect and engage with others in their neighbourhoods, just to get to know them, or to make their community a better place to live, can do something about it with a Neighbourhood Small Grant from the Delta Foundation.

Based on a simple but powerful idea – that everyone is a valuable member of the community and that we all have something to share — Neighbourhood Small Grants of $50 to $500 can enable local residents to strengthen their community by bringing people together, sharing their skills and knowledge, celebrating diversity, and increasing their sense of belonging.

“Delta residents in past years have come up with all kinds of creative ideas to bring people together,” says Delta Foundation President Peter Roaf, “and there are many more waiting to happen throughout the communities in North and South Delta. Thanks to the Vancouver Foundation, which founded this program, successful community projects have ranged from potlucks and neighbourhood beatifications, including habitat restorations. Others have included harvest festivals, music groups, and art workshops. People have gotten so much out of each opportunity.”

True to the grassroots spirit of the program, each Neighbourhood Small Grant will be awarded by a team of local, Delta residents. Local volunteers will review the ideas submitted and decide which ones to fund.

Applications for Neighbourhood Small Grants are open until September 9, 2021, or while funding is still available.

Neighbourhood Small Grants are one way that the Delta Foundation will amplify the power of community by supporting the strength, resiliency and creativity of local residents.

“This program helps people meet other people they do not know in their neighbourhood and open doors to make needed changes and create memories that will last years to come,” says Jennifer Graham, Program Coordinator at the Delta Foundation.

Neighbourhood Small Grants help connect and engage residents in their community regions through the Delta Foundation and funding from Vancouver Foundation. City of Delta provides administrative support. For more information on the Neighbourhood Small Grants program, and to apply online, visit or contact Jennifer Graham, Neighbourhood Small Grants Program Coordinator for Delta.


Jennifer Graham
Neighbourhood Small Grants Program Coordinator
Delta Foundation
(604) 721-7307
[email protected]