Grant Application Guidelines and Procedure
- Applicants must complete a grant application form and supply reference information.
- Residents of Delta, British Columbia, Canada, and eligible Delta organizations may apply.
- Support for activities and projects outside Delta and which benefits the residents of Delta may be considered;
- Applications may be submitted at any time.
- Grants are reviewed and awarded on a monthly or bi-monthly basis;
- At least one month’s lead time is required to enable proper review.
- Organizations must demonstrate:
- A strong and committed volunteer Board of Directors;
- Fiscal responsibility; and
- Effective management of resources.
- Grants are awarded for:
- Definite purposes;
- Projects covering a specific period of time;
- Are generally awarded for less than $5000.
- Grants may be made with contingency stipulations attached, e.g., a building project contingent on a ‘permit to build’.
- Preference is given to programs which;
- Promote volunteer participation; and
- Do not duplicate services provided by other organizations.
- Bursaries and scholarships are awarded to educational institutions that are qualified donees under the Income Tax Act, and not to individuals.
- The following activities are not eligible for general grants:
- Annual fund drives
- Core operating expenses
- Deficit reduction
- Religious activities
- Individuals
- Political activities
- Travel costs
- Developing or adding to an endowment fund.
- Applicants are encouraged to discuss their project with the contact person indicated on the Delta Community Foundation contact page.
- If the project fits the Delta community Foundation guidelines, please complete the application form and attach:
- A list of your Board of Directors;
- One copy of your most recent financial statements;
- One copy of your operating budget; and
- One copy of your Annual Report.
- The Grants Committee may:
- Invite your agency to make a presentation; or
- Undertake a site visit.
- Recommendations for grants are presented for approval to the Board of Directors of the Delta Community Foundation.
- The Board’s decision is made in May or November, depending upon receipt of your application.
- A letter of award will outline the terms and conditions of the grant.
Checklist for submitting an application
attached a list of your Board of Directors
attached one copy of your most recent financial statements for last complete year
attached one copy of your operating budget for current year
attached one copy of your annual report
filled in all requested information regarding your organization, including a list of who is on your Board of Directors
been clear about the amount requested
been specific on what the grant will be used for
been clear on how this expenditure will be used to meet new or emerging
needs or supplementing current needs
included clear guidelines as to how you propose your activity will become self sustaining
how you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of this grant in achieving your stated activity.
Is this project / activity / budget included in the operating budget for the current year?
The Delta Community Foundation expects you will file an interim or final report within six months explaining how the funds were used and its outcome. Failure to comply with this requirement will be taken into account in dealing with any future requests for funds.
Note: Any proposed alterations to an approved project must be presented in writing to The Delta Community Foundation for approval.
All Ready?
Use our online form to submit your Grant Application, or download the form as a PDF.