Rock the Block party in Tsawwassen neighbourhood

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Grant, Neighbourhood Small Grant

In the Stahaken Place townhome community in Tsawwassen 32 people from 12 families got together for the first time at a block party on August 7, 2021, thanks to a Neighbourhood Small Grant. Lulu Xie and Loretta Prim, who organized the event, said people were mingling and chatting. One neighbor found out their daughter was a colleague of another neighbor’s father. Another found out that a neighbor was the framer for another neighbor’s house, another who worked in the same industry, and some kids were in the same school. — story and photos by Lulu Xie

The weather was a big concern at the beginning. After more than a month and half without a single drop of rain, we had a significant rainfall Friday night into Saturday morning. We were really worried that we might have to postpone the party. Magically, it cleared up around noon hour and by 4 pm, the sun came out shining through the cul-da-sac, even the weather wanted us to be have the party.

The party started at 4 pm and didn’t end until almost 10 pm. Everyone had fun and enjoyed the conversation and company and agreed we should do this more often.

We all feel getting together with neighbors provides an opportunity to get to know those people that live closest to us, we are all connected and have a sense of belonging in our neighborhood. Neighbors who know each other, look out for one another.

All the neighbors appreciate the Neighbourhood Small Grant program support for this block party to bring us together, thanks to the Delta Foundation and Vancouver Foundation.

Neighbourhood Small Grant
Vancouver Foundation