Small grants for neighourhoods … at a social distance

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Grant, Neighbourhood Small Grant

Last year Delta Foundation offered funding support up to $500 to groups of Delta residents to get together for shared projects or just to socialize near their homes with the Neighbourhood Small Grants. With matching funds from the Vancouver Foundation and administrative support of the City of Delta the program funded 17 projects over the summer months.

This year, given social distancing and other measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, a similar program is now offered to residents throughout Delta as the “Responsive Neighbourhood Small Grants (R-NSG)” program. As before, this new grant stream will support small scale community projects to build community strength and resilience, foster community creativity and wellbeing, and tackle social isolation. This year, however, the program will follow new social/physical distancing guidelines.

Here are the guidelines for eligibility.

  • Grants of up to $500 will be available to anyone in Delta, and to others through the community foundations in their communities in BC, to carry out small community building projects which adhere to the public health requirements of social/physical distancing.
  • A grant can contribute to expenses associated with your project such as canned goods, art and craft supplies, gift cards, Zoom, Skype or Zoom subscriptions and honorariums or other items as necessary.
  • One can also apply up to $350 towards honorariums for skill sharing projects such as an artist facilitating a virtual drawing workshop for children and adults. One can even pay oneself or someone else for in-kind skills or knowledge contributions. The decision on the honorarium amount is decided on a case-by-case basis by the local Neighbourhood Grants Committee members of Delta residents.
  • Projects can only be carried out by individuals and/or family members from one household
  • Projects must take place from, or close to, one’s own home in order to accommodate the self-isolation public health requirements
  • Projects which can ease social isolation of vulnerable people, while keeping at a physical distance, such as dropping off care packages of dry goods to elderly or other vulnerable people from safe distance, are eligible.
  • Projects which use, share and exchange local assets/gifts using online platforms such as (ZOOM, FaceTime, Skype), such as arts and culture workshops, cooking demonstrations, storytelling or yoga and meditation sessions, are also eligible.









Projects which are not eligible include those bringing any number of people for face-to-face interactions, those organized by registered charities or businesses, and provided by service delivery and emergency relief programs supporting low-income and other vulnerable people, but those requests can be directed to the Community Response Fund.