Produce boxes help families in need

One in four children in BC are poor and live in poverty, according to Statistics Canada (2016). Of the children being raised by single parents in BC, 50% are poor, according to BC Child Poverty Report Card, 2016, and single mothers are going hungry to feed their children.
Mamas for Mamas is there for those parents who need help navigating eligible resources, applying for social supports, and getting direct intake support while joining a community that truly looks after each other.With help from a Delta Foundation grant of $3,821, Mamas for Mamas is providing Sustainable Nourishment Produce Boxes to help low income families or those in crisis looking for food resources.
Often the families in the Produce Boxes program have exhausted available food resources from food banks and food security resources, but still need additional nutritious food.
At a cost of $30 each less $5 discount, the 32-pound Sustainable Nourishment Produce Boxes are delivered by vendor, Tropical Produce, to the families’ homes every two weeks for three months. Eligible families can apply once per year for this program.
Mamas for Mamas is a national charitable organization that supports mothers in crisis and provides ongoing support to low income Mamas and their kids. Our mission is to change the landscape of poverty through innovative approaches to financial and social barriers faced by struggling families; we envision a future where no Mama or child is left behind.

Anna Carr and Andrea Delf, centre, of the Mamas for Mamas Vancouver branch, receive a cheque for $3,821 from the Delta Foundation for the branch’s Sustainable Nourishment Produce Boxes program, from Delta Foundation board directors (l to r), President Peter Roaf, Richard Shantz, Walt Hayward and Gail Martin.