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Tsawwassen street party with Neighbourhood Small Grant

Continuing an event of the past two years, a group of Tsawwassen residents held an end-of-summer street party on September 7 to mark the subdivision’s 45th Anniversary. The event organizers wanted to reach out to more people, young and old, living in the area to help celebrate, with the help of $400 from the Delta Foundation’s Neighbourhood Small Grants program, funded by the Vancouver Foundation.

Support for workshop to support families of Little House substance abuse clients

Little House Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Society’s Heart of the Family workshop provides family members, spouses, and friends of those enroled in the recovery program with a chance to learn about substance use disorder, available resources, and coping skills for every family member. For some families which find the cost of workshop to be a challenge, a grant by the Delta Foundation, from the Sam Fogel Fund, of $3,566, will help them participate.

Sound improved for community classroom

Serving up to 100 people seated, the Heritage Room education wing of Cedar Park Church, as a facility for the community as well as the church, now provides an essential portable audio equipment system with support of the Delta Foundation.