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Sunshine Hills Virtual Garden Show supported with a Neighbourhood Small Grant

When plans to have a neighbourhood bbq were put on hold because of COVID-19 restrictions a North Delta neighbourhood came up with a virtual replacement. The Sunshine Hills Virtual Garden Show attracted 51 entrants and 85 entries, with support of a Neighbourhood Small Grant from the Delta Foundation, with funding from the Vancouver Foundation.

Near by Far Canada Day Block Party with Neighbourhood Small Grant

Since most plans were cancelled on Canada Day, one family in Ladner thought it would be nice to connect with their neighbours and have a 7 pm parade around our block, with support from the Delta Foundation with a Neighbourhood Small Grant from funds through Vancouver Foundation.

One of the organizers says, Last year our street held our 1st block party and it was a success, so with most people home we sent out invitations for our neighbours to join us on the street (at the end of our driveways) for dinner, followed by the parade and doorstep photos.

Youth suffering from substance abuse can find a virtual safe place supported through pandemic emergency funding

According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 25% of Canadians aged 18-54 report their alcohol consumption has increased. This means youth are either drinking more and/or have someone close to them drinking more. In current conditions, during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn, many youth are feeling isolated and alone and are unaware there are others just like them in their community.

Little House Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Society is a Delta community hub of services and resources promoting health and wellness through prevention, education, and collaboration with community stakeholders. We provide a comfortable, accessible and safe place for individual and family counselling, assessment and referral, recovery meetings, and peer-to-peer support.

With additional support of $ $10,000 in emergency funding from the Delta Foundation, the Little House “Heart of the Youth” program is providing to youth, affected by substance use disorder, an online, safe, non-judgemental space to share their thoughts and feelings, begin to heal and develop a supportive community.

Over 700 low income, unemployed and homeless people in North Delta have access to food thanks to pandemic emergency funding

For individuals and families experiencing job loss, homelessness and other financial struggles in North Delta, it has been an especially difficult time during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. Access to food is most important for these members of the community. To relieve the stress of limited access to, and affordability of, food, and the additional stress that can lead to a rise in domestic violence, Deltassist Family and Community Services Society is substituting for the normally functioning food bank in North Delta which was forced to close during the pandemic. “Deltassist Temporary North Delta Food Bank” is now serving 708 people in North Delta in need during the pandemic by purchasing every two weeks grocery gift cards so families can purchase perishable food and receive prepackaged food bags from the Surrey Food Bank. Delta Foundation has provided $70,000 in emergency funding to the food bank.

Little sisters have a study buddy with a big sister thanks to pandemic emergency funding

Every day, youth in our community face challenges like bullying, isolation, poverty, social anxiety, low self-esteem, and more. Big Sisters caseworkers carefully match Little Sisters with female adult mentors who help them overcome adversities, make healthy choices, and ultimately reach their full potential. The aim is to enable life-changing mentoring relationships and ignite the power and potential of young people. “Study Buddy” is one of three, no-cost tutoring and mentoring programs of Big Sisters. It is a weekly one-to-one mentoring relationship that focuses on school work for at risk girls aged 7 to 17 years from low income families, through one hour sessions outside of school time to work on school subjects and study skills. The program is continuing to provide this valued service with $ $5,055 in emergency funding from the Delta Foundation.

Autism early intervention therapy for children supported through pandemic emergency funding

Children and youth with special needs and their families have received support from Reach Child and Youth Development Society (REACH) for more than 60 years in Delta, Surrey and Langley. Every year Reach provides support for 1,200 children from birth to nineteen years of age with Autism, and developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, behavioural and mental health challenges. The family-centered, individualized, and responsive approach means that families experience success
and each child is given the opportunity to reach their potential. With emergency funding of $25,805 from the Delta Foundation, the “Virtual Autism Early Intervention Therapies Program” is ensuring REACH can provide online autism-related sessions so that children continue to receive the support programs and services that they need to reach their potential. The program also sees that families are supported with the tools, materials, equipment and guidance necessary to support their child’s continued development from home where in-person services are not feasible.

Low income mothers supported through pandemic emergency funding

Think selflessly like a mother. She wants to help not just her own family, but all those on low income trying to keep up with food, hygiene, housing and other essentials for their families. That’s been particularly tough during economic downturn and restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic. “Respond Like a Mother” is a program to help all those moms and their families who need a hand up, brought to Delta by Mamas for Mamas of Metro Vancouver. The Delta Foundation has provided $30,000 to Mamas for Mamas to support that program.

Women and children escaping domestic violence supported through pandemic emergency funding

W I N G S Fellowship Ministries provides women and children in need, the opportunity to gain strength and live according to their worth. For women and their children who are victims of domestic violence, WINGS provides safe, warm, friendly, caring environments through housing and support services. The charity allows its clients to work through various stages of well-being, from crisis to long-term stability by providing a full range of support services. It provides a safe and supportive environment so that clients have the opportunity to hear about and understand their unique value and worth and begin to experience the potential this can mean in their lives. During the “COVID-19 Mental Health and Well Being Project” WINGS is providing clients assistance with the self help tools to support mental well being and a way to reduce their contact with other people with help from the Delta Foundation, which has provided the charity with $18,000 in emergency funding.

Adults with mental illness trying to find a job and some stability supported through pandemic emergency funding

For people living with mental illness and with low income, sometimes poverty, Options Community Services help them help themselves and, in turn, promotes safe, healthy, vibrant communities. At the Delta clubhouse, Options provides psychosocial rehabilitation programs related to employment, leisure, basic living skills and wellness. It focuses on participants’ strengths and emphasizes a person’s potential for recovery — recovery as a personal journey rather than a set outcome, developing hope, a secure base and sense of self, supportive relationships, empowerment, social inclusion, coping skills and meaning. The “Ready to Work (R2W)” project aims to reduce barriers in finding employment post-COVID-19 for those of age 19 years and older by increasing employability among clients experiencing mental illness. Delta Foundation has provided $8,000 in emergency funding to the Options Ready to Work project.

Homeless benefit from COVID-19 emergency fund

Homeless people in the community needing a little extra during the coming months ahead and into the Fall will receive gift cards, food and help if they come to the door of the Ladner United Church and Delta’s Emergency Response Shelter with the help of a $1,000 Covid19 Relief Grant from the Delta Foundation, Delta’s community foundation.