Foundation News

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The Delta Community Foundation at work

Events, news releases and headlines involving the Delta Community Foundation.

Grant, Neighbourhood Small Grant

Rock the Block party in Tsawwassen neighbourhood

In the Stahaken Place townhome community in Tsawwassen 32 people from 12 families got together for the first time at a block party on August 7, 2021, thanks to a Neighbourhood Small Grant. Lulu Xie and Loretta Prim, who organized the event, said people were mingling and chatting. One neighbor found out their daughter was a colleague of another neighbor’s father. Another found out that a neighbor was the framer for another neighbor’s house, another who worked in the same industry, and some kids were in the same school. — story and photos by Lulu Xie


Produce boxes help families in need

One in four children in BC are poor and live in poverty, according to Statistics Canada (2016). Of the children being raised by single parents in BC, 50% are poor, according to BC Child Poverty Report Card, 2016, and single mothers are going hungry to feed their children. Mamas for Mamas is there for those parents who need help navigating eligible resources, applying for social supports, and getting direct intake support while joining a community that truly looks after each other. With help from a Delta Foundation grant of $3,821, Mamas for Mamas is providing Sustainable Nourishment Produce Boxes to help low income families or those in crisis looking for food resources.


School District’s indigenous heritage Giving Tree Project funded for information plaques

With red cedar trees having been planted at every Delta School District school and district site, as a way to build understanding, and show appreciation and respect for local First Nation culture, a $4,000 grant from Delta Foundation will help further the scope of this Giving Tree Project so a three-foot post can be installed next to each cedar with an information plaque to educate students and the community about the significance of the cedar. Each plaque will include a QR code linked to an educational video and will showcase art created by Karl Morgan, local Tsawwassen First Nation carver.

Grant, Neighbourhood Small Grant

New season for Neighbourhood Small Grants

Now more than ever, in BC, we need to stay connected with our neighbours and community members.We want to support small-scale individual-led community projects that comply with the new social/physical distancing guidelines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Responsive Neighbourhood Small offer grants of up to $500 to individuals or family members from the same household or for those who are interested to collaborate with neighborhoods across British Columbia to build community strength and resilience, foster community creativity and wellbeing, and tackle social isolation.

Grant, Neighbourhood Small Grant

Small grants can boost Delta neighbourhoods

Delta residents who want to connect and engage with others in their neighbourhoods, just to get to know them, or to make their community a better place to live, can do something about it with a Neighbourhood Small Grant from the Delta Foundation.

Based on a simple but powerful idea – that everyone is a valuable member of the community and that we all have something to share — Neighbourhood Small Grants of $50 to $500 can enable local residents to strengthen their community by bringing people together, sharing their skills and knowledge, celebrating diversity, and increasing their sense of belonging.

Foundation News

Former Delta Foundation Chair receives Rotary award

Former Chair of the Delta Foundation Noel Philippot received the prestigious Paul Harris Fellow Award from the Rotary Club of Ladner, which founded the Foundation in 1986, for his service above self to the Delta community as board director and chair of the Delta Foundation over several years. Paul Harris Fellow honourees are individuals who meet high professional and personal standards set forth by Paul Harris, the founder of Rotary International, the world’s original service club, and for extraordinary service above self.

Foundation News

New expanded board for Delta Foundation

Delta Foundation, the community foundation for Delta as the local “charity for charities”, announces its board of directors for 2021, following a recent annual general meeting. “This much larger board, of 13 directors instead of six, with its experienced, talented leaders,” says Delta Foundation President Peter Roaf, “will enable us, as Delta’s community foundation in regional and national networks, to build and develop in new ways so that we can do more for our charities in Delta as they serve the people of this community.”